Linux Binary


  • A Linux system with the appropriate architecture (x86_64 or arm64)

  • (For cloud-connected mode) Registration Token: Valid registration token from

  • (For local mode) Configuration Files: Prepare your Qtap YAML config file

Installation Steps

Download the Binary

Choose the appropriate command based on your architecture:

For Linux x86_64 architecture:

curl -L -o qpoint-linux-amd64.tgz

For Linux arm64 architecture:

curl -L -o qpoint-linux-arm64.tgz

Extract the Binary

tar -xzf qpoint-linux-amd64.tgz

This will extract a binary named qpoint-amd64 (or qpoint-arm64 for ARM systems).

Make the Binary Executable (if needed)

chmod +x qpoint-amd64

Running Qtap

Verify Installation

You can verify the installation by running:


This should display the usage information:

usage: qpoint [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
A Qpoint utility to tap and/or proxy your web traffic streams

  --[no-]help     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --[no-]version  Show application version.

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.
  tap [<flags>]
    Tap into traffic streams and analyze without a proxy
    Live reload the current config.

Cloud-Connected Mode

To run Qtap in cloud-connected mode:

./qpoint-amd64 tap \
  --log-level=info \
  --log-encoding=console \

Replace $TOKEN with your actual registration token from

Local Mode

To run Qtap in local mode:

./qpoint-amd64 tap \
  --log-level=info \
  --log-encoding=console \

Replace /path/to/your/qpoint.yaml with the actual path to your YAML configuration file.

Available Flags and Options

To see all available options and flags:

./qpoint-amd64 tap --help

Last updated