The Traffic section is your primary tool for endpoint discovery and monitoring. It provides visibility into the external domains accessed by your applications, along with the performance and availability of those endpoints. It's also how you interact with and manage endpoint-specific settings.
Basic Traffic View
By default, the Traffic section displays:
Domains: A list of all external domains accessed by your applications.
Total Connections: The number of connections made to each domain.
This view is particularly useful for endpoint discovery, allowing you to see exactly what external resources your applications are accessing.
Middleware Extended Visibility
You can enable extended visibility to gain more detailed insights into your traffic. There are two ways to enable extended visibility:
Per Endpoint
Click on a specific endpoint in the Traffic view.
Go to that endpoint's settings.
Enable a middleware stack that includes "Report Usage" and "Detect Errors" middleware. The Basic default stack includes these.
Navigate to Settings -> Qtap -> HTTP Middleware Stack.
Select a middleware stack that includes "Report Usage" and "Detect Errors" middleware.
When you enable a stack with these middlewares, you gain access to an enhanced view that includes additional columns:
Total Requests: The total number of requests made to each domain.
Failed Requests: The number of requests that resulted in an error.
Avg Duration: The average time taken for requests to complete.
Availability %: The percentage of successful requests.
Endpoint View
When you click on a specific endpoint in the Traffic view, you're taken to a detailed overview page for that endpoint. This page provides in-depth information and configuration options for the selected domain.
Endpoint Overview Page
The Endpoint Overview page offers a comprehensive snapshot of the endpoint's performance, availability, and usage.
Key Metrics:
Availability: The percentage of successful requests to this endpoint.
Total Errors: The number of failed requests to this endpoint.
Performance Graph: This interactive graph allows you to visualize various metrics over time. You can toggle between different data sets:
Total Connections
Total Requests
Average Request Duration
Clients: A breakdown of the clients accessing this endpoint. This can be viewed in different ways:
By Hostname
By Executable (exe)
By IP Address
By Pod (in Kubernetes environments)
Top URLs: A list of the most frequently accessed URLs within this endpoint.
Endpoint Settings
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