Qtap Configuration

After Qtap has been deployed, you can configure the way it will process and filter identified traffic.

We recommend leaving these options set to default in most cases.

  • Traffic Direction: Determines which traffic direction to record

    • all: Capture all traffic

    • ingress: Capture only incoming traffic

    • egress: Capture only outgoing traffic

    • egress-external: Capture only outgoing traffic to external networks

    • egress-internal: Capture only outgoing traffic within internal networks

  • Audit Log Destination: Specifies where to publish audit logs.

    • stdout: Print to standard out

    • pulse: Send to a pulse service (Qpoint Cloud Control Plane)

    • disabled: Disable audit logging

  • HTTP Middleware Stack: Specifies which stack to apply by default.

  • Capture DNS: When set to true, includes DNS information in audit logs. When false, DNS information is excluded.

  • Local Loopback Traffic: When enabled, captures loopback traffic.

Last updated