
The proxy-config.yaml file is used to configure Qpoint Proxy, defining global settings, endpoint-specific rules, and optional middleware stacks.

Configuration File Structure

The proxy-config.yaml file consists of three main sections:

  1. Global Proxy Settings

  2. Endpoints

  3. Stacks (Optional)

proxy: # Global Proxy Settings
  audit_logs: stdout # Where to publish Audit Logs
  jwt_hmac_key: "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456"  # Key for HMAC to validate JWTs
  tls_ca_crt: "PEM or file://global_ca_cert.pem"  # Path or inline CA certificate
  tls_ca_key: "PEM or file://global_ca_key.pem"  # Path or inline CA key
  default_domain_action: ALLOW  # Default action for unspecified domains

  endpoints:  # Specific Endpoint Settings
    # Endpoint with ACL, without SSL/TLS Termination, & without Stack
    - domain: "api.github.com"
      action: DENY
        - ip:
        - id: dog
    # Endpoint with ACL, with SSL/TLS Termination & with Stack
    - domain: "api.example.com"
      action: DENY
        - ip:
        - http-user: user2:password2
        - tag: admin    
      stack: complete # Reference to the 'complete' stack

      - name: duration-micro
        config: "us"
        wasm: "docker://us-docker.pkg.dev/qpoint-edge/public/middleware/http_duration:0bb591c"
      - name: local-metrics
        config: "metrics-config"
        wasm: "/path/to/local/metrics.wasm"

Global Settings

These settings apply across the entire proxy configuration.

  audit_logs: stdout # Where to publish Audit Logs
  jwt_hmac_key: "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm123456"  # Key for HMAC to validate JWTs
  tls_ca_crt: "PEM or file://"  # Path or inline CA certificate
  tls_ca_key: "PEM or file://"  # Path or inline CA key
  default_domain_action: ALLOW  # Default action for unspecified domains
  • audit_logs: Sets the output for audit logs

  • default_domain_action: Sets the default action for domain requests not explicitly defined in the endpoints section.

  • jwt_hmac_key (optional): Key used for HMAC to validate JWTs for Access Control.

  • tls_ca_crt (optional): Path or inline CA certificate for optional SSL/TLS termination.

  • tls_ca_key (optional): Path or inline CA key for optional SSL/TLS termination


Controls traffic based on the requested domain, with specific rules for each domain.

  ... # Global Settings
    - domain: "api.example.com"
      action: DENY
        - ip:
        ca: "PEM or file://"  # Inline or path to CA certificate
        crt: "PEM or file://"  # Inline or path to domain certificate
        key: "PEM or file://"  # Inline or path to private key
      stack: complete  # Reference to a stack for middleware processing
  • domain: The specific domain to which the rule applies.

  • action: Default action for this domain (ALLOW or DENY).

  • allow/deny: Conditions to override the default action based on IP addresses, user credentials, or JWT claims.

  • cert: SSL/TLS certificate configurations for the endpoint.

    • ca: Path or inline CA certificate.

    • crt: Path or inline server certificate.

    • key: Path or inline private key.

  • stack: Name of a middleware stack to apply additional inline processing (optional).

Stacks (Optional)

Defines groups of middleware modules for enhanced traffic processing. See more detailed information in Middleware Stacks

      - name: duration-micro
        config: "us"
        wasm: "docker://us-docker.pkg.dev/qpoint-edge/public/middleware/http_duration:0bb591c"
      - name: report
        wasm: "/path/to/local/report.wasm"
  • stacks: Top-level section defining all middleware stacks.

  • default: Name of the stack.

  • middlewares: List of middleware modules in each stack.

    • name: Descriptive name of the middleware.

    • config: Configuration parameters for the middleware.

    • wasm: Path to the WebAssembly module, either a local path or a remote URI.

Examples of Endpoint Configurations

Without SSL/TLS Termination & Without Stack

  - domain: "api.github.com"
    action: DENY
      - ip:

With SSL/TLS Termination & With Stack

  audit_logs: stdout # Where to publish Audit Logs
  tls_ca_crt: "PEM or file://"  # Path or inline CA certificate
  tls_ca_key: "PEM or file://"  # Path or inline CA key
  default_domain_action: ALLOW
    - domain: "api.example.com"
      action: DENY
        - ip:
      stack: complete # Reference to a stack for middleware processing

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