Linux Binary

QPoint Download and Installation Instructions

Download the Binary

For Linux x86_64 architecture:

wget "" -O qpoint_Linux_x86_64_v0.2.3.tar.gz

For Linux arm64 architecture:

wget "" -O qpoint_Linux_arm64_v0.2.3.tar.gz

For Darwin arm64 architecture:

wget "" -O qpoint_Darwin_arm64_v0.2.3.tar.gz

For Darwin x86_64 architecture:

wget "" -O qpoint_Darwin_x86_64_v0.2.3.tar.gz

Extract the Binary

tar -xzf qpoint_<OS>_<ARCH>_v0.2.3.tar.gz

Run the Binary

Navigate to the directory containing the extracted binary:

cd qpoint

Make the binary executable (if needed):

chmod +x qpoint

Execute the binary with necessary flags:

./qpoint tap \
 --log-level=info \
 --log-encoding=console \


To see the available options and flags, run:

./qpoint tap --help

Last updated